This is me!
I do pictures!
Bold, Fun, Colourful, Cartoon-Style Paintings.
Surfing, Sailing, Cycling, Windsurf, Kitesurf, Snow, Whatever.
Hope you like it.
Ever since I first held a Crayola in my fat little baby hand I knew I loved art!
After studying Product Design at Bournemouth And Poole College Of Art And Design (where I won one of the RSA Student Design Awards!) I decided my talents were best used elsewhere: Producing fun action sports artwork!
I usually prefer to use gouache for my paintings as I feel this gives the right balance of bold colours combined with flexible blending times.
I live on the South Coast, here in England, with my awesome family and if I'm not indoors working on a painting then I'm probably outdoors indulging in one of the sports I illustrate. ...That, or just watching a movie!
My pictures have been used for greetings cards, t-shirts, advertising, wedding stationery, print cartoons and leaving-presents.
Over the years my clients have included:
Cowen Sails,
Dinghy Sailing Magazine,
Dorset Rough Riders,
Fox And Sons Estate Agents,
Gecko Helmets,
Gone Biking Mad,
Hargroves Cycles,
Hood Sailmakers,
K Bay Surfboards,
L.P.E. Medical,
Murray And Hayward Estate Agents,
R.N.L.I Lymington Crew,
Spencers Of The New Forest EstateAgents,
Sportsboat And Waterski Magazine,
Sanders Sails,
Solent Sailboards,
Spot On Watersports,
Waterski Illustrated.